Daily Horoscope Prediction

Introducing our Daily Horoscope API, your gateway to providing personalized astrological insights and predictions to users. Access daily horoscope data for all zodiac signs with ease, making it simple to integrate astrology into your website, applications and services.

POST https://divineapi.com/api/1.0/get_daily_horoscope.php

Request Body




Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)



A zodiac sign. (eg: Aries,Capricorn)



Current Date in Y-m-d Format (eg: 2020-12-25)



   "message":"Prediction data.2023-09-30 11:09:32",
splurging might make you feel guilty, remember it's natural to indulge occasionally. Don't let it bring you down.
Brighten your mood by spending time with a friend. Perhaps watch a movie or attend a concert together. Also, stay
focused on any pending tasks at hand.",
         "health":"Today is all about balance. Juggle work and health efficiently. Don't
push yourself too hard and take short breaks to keep stress at bay.",
         "profession":"Today, let your newfound confidence
shine. With a positive outlook, you're poised to succeed in your endeavors. Harness this self-assurance to your
advantage and make the most of the day.",
         "emotions":"Reflect deeply on your close relationships. Changes can be daunting
but often herald a fresh chapter. Embrace them to rediscover the initial magic and better comprehend each other's highs
and lows. It's a perfect time for mutual understanding.",
         "travel":"Forests, national parks, or wildlife sanctuaries call
out to you. Surrounding yourself with flora and fauna can remind you of nature's intricate patterns.",
            "Colors of
the day : Ivory, Jade Green",
            "Lucky Numbers of the day : 6, 0",
            "Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : D, J",
Tip : Reflect on the universe's timeless nature.",
            "Tips for Singles : Master cooking for one – or just order
            "Tips for Couples : Share kindness daily, for it's love's most genuine
            " #00A86B"

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS, JavaScript jQuery AJAX or Python:

curl --location 'https://divineapi.com/api/1.0/get_daily_horoscope.php' \
--form 'api_key="Your divine api key"'

Last updated