Find Karana
Explore the rhythmic cycles of life through our 'Karana' API, offering profound insights into the influence of lunar phases on daily affairs within the paradigm of Indian Astrology.
Returns karana details in response.
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | your API Access Token eg: Bearer {token} |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
api_key* | String | your API key |
day* | Integer | day of panchang, eg: 24 |
month* | Integer | month of panchang, eg: 05 |
year* | Integer | year of panchang, eg: 2023 |
place | String | place, ex: New Delhi |
lat* | Float | latitude, eg: 28.6139 |
lon* | Float | longitude, eg: 77.2090 |
tzone* | Float | timezone, eg: 5.5 Timezone List |
lan | String | Language en/hi, default en |
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