Love Compatibility
Introducing our Love Compatibility API, a powerful tool to gauge romantic connections. Easily integrate love compatibility calculations into your website and applications, helping users find and nurture meaningful relationships based on astrological and personality insights.
Returns Love Compatibility in response
Request Body
sign 1*
A zodiac sign. (eg: Aries,Capricorn)
sign 2*
A zodiac sign. (eg: Aries,Capricorn)
Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)
"message":"Prediction data.",
two of the zodiac's most energetic and goal-oriented signs, Aries and Capricorn will do whatever it takes to be the
zodiac's most significant power couple. However, when both parties are simultaneously obstinate, ambitious, and
unwilling to back down from a battle, trouble will surely arise from time to time in heaven. The zodiac match of Aries
and Capricorn tells you everything you need to know about this Fire and Earth couple.\r\nThe merger of two bosses is
what an Aries-Capricorn relationship is all about. It's a forward-thinking alliance. They both want to ascend whatever
ladders they believe are relevant to them, but they approach it in different ways. These two appear to be a zodiac
marriage made in heaven in many ways. They're both energized by the other's vitality and natural desire, and the mental
connection between an Aries and a Capricorn is unrivaled.\r\nAries will be attracted to Capricorns\u2019 ability to
direct attention even when they aren't expressing anything when they meet for the first time. They give out a mature and
robust aura that Aries will find seductive. Aries will strive to chase Capricorn if they discover that they are just as
aggressive, determined, and powerful as they are. On the other hand, Capricorn will be charmed by Aries' zeal. The goat
is drawn to passionate people, and Aries has plenty of that. Capricorn doesn't enjoy games, particularly when it comes
to dating. Therefore they'll like Aries' directness and honesty. Aries's idea is forthright about their objectives will
help Capricorn a lot.",
"positive_aspects":"Warm, fuzzy...and a tad depleting. Capricorn is dependable, loyal, and
faithful, making it a reliable haven for Aries, who seeks predictability in a relationship. Capricorn's fire is lit by
explosive, impetuous Aries, who brings out the buttoned-up Goat's suppressed free spirit. Capricorn, the zodiac's
\"father sign,\" is frequently a devoted companion in a relationship. Working together on a commercial point may be both
gratifying and lovely, as your natural abilities complement each other well. You make a beautiful and appealing power
couple that people love to watch with your larger-than-life public personalities.",
Capricorn admires Aries' determination and willingness to pursue their goals, they sometimes see Aries as inexperienced,
reckless, and risky. On the other hand, Capricorn may see Aries as a wet sponge and call them out on it. The Caps don't
have time for mental messes, and this perceived harshness will put off the ram.\r\nAries and Capricorn have a
relationship that might be described as brutal. This relationship can work if they spend as much time in the
relationship as they do in achieving their goals. Capricorn can assist Aries in arranging their battle plans and
maximizing their likelihood of succeeding, while Aries can offer a lot of flair and enthusiasm to Capricorn's approach.
They're both loyal in different ways, so if all the other pieces fall into place, that may be the glue that ties them
"elements":"Capricorn represents earth, while Aries symbolizes fire. Use caution! This astrology love
match of completely different elements can thrive if you play to your strengths. Earth signs are looking for a stable
nature and desire to establish roots. On the other hand, Adventuresome fire signs are itching to go out and about. A
struggle may ensue as one of you seeks freedom and the other seeks constancy. The white picket fence dream will enclose
the fire sign, while the earth sign will never be able to relax in the face of perpetual change and surprises. However,
if you learn to value your differences, you will provide what the other lacks. A struggle may ensue as one of you seeks
freedom and the other seeks constancy.",
"ideal_date":"An ideal date for these two is to go clubbing and have a blast and
enjoy with a group rather than each other.",
curl --location '' \
--form 'api_key="Your divine api key"'
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'headers': {
formData: {
'api_key': 'Your divine api key'
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
var form = new FormData();
form.append("api_key", "Your divine api key");
var settings = {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"timeout": 0,
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"contentType": false,
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
import requests
url = ""
payload = {'api_key': 'Your divine api key'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)
Last updated