Explore the harmony of partnerships with our 'Ashatkoot Milan' API, assessing compatibility through eight essential factors within the framework of Indian Astrology's Kundali Matching.
{"success":1,"data": {"ashtakoot_milan": {"varna": {"p1":"Kshatriya","p2":"Kshatriya","points_obtained":1,"max_ponits":1,"area_of_life":"Karmic Classification","description":"There shall be a complementing relationship between the couple. Rahul Kumar shall be dedicated towards providing for the family. Simran Kumari will also nurture the family with love and care." },"vashya": {"p1":"quadruped","p2":"quadruped","points_obtained":2,"max_ponits":2,"area_of_life":"Evolutionary Character","description":"quadruped is vasya which means he has Evolutionary Character like character in a relationship. Simran Kumari also belongs to the same vasya as Rahul Kumar. Rahul Kumar shall get along well with Simran Kumari after marriage as they both have the same power equation. None of them will try to dominate or control the other. This is the best form of relationship." },"tara": {"p1":"Sampat","p2":"Sampat","points_obtained":3,"max_ponits":3,"area_of_life":"Luck","description":"There is a good match obtained in Tara Koota. This means that there shall be prosperity and growth of the couple after entering the bond of marriage. They will support each other through thick and thin." },"yoni": {"p1":"Gaja","p2":"Gaja","points_obtained":4,"max_ponits":4,"area_of_life":"Sexual Compatibility","description":"Rahul Kumar belongs to Gaja yoni and Simran Kumari is of Gaja yoni. This category defines our innate sexual energy and its resemblance with the animal species. Since Rahul Kumar is Gaja and Simran Kumari is Gaja, these species are complementing each other's sexual character. They will be able to fulfill each other's sexual needs in the marriage." },"graha_maitri": {"p1":"Mars","p2":"Mars","points_obtained":5,"max_ponits":5,"area_of_life":"Love and Affection","description":"The match between the pair is good with the score 5. The couple will have deep love and care for each other. They are truly soulmates. Love is the foundation of marriage and what comes by this score is that their love will remain intense throughout their marital bond. They will have an unbeatable confidence in each other." },"gana": {"p1":"Manushya","p2":"Manushya","points_obtained":6,"max_ponits":6,"area_of_life":"Temperament","description":"Rahul Kumar is Manushya Gana and Simran Kumari comes from Manushya Gana. This is an ideal match between the couple as Manushya Gana and Manushya Gana are complementing each other. This suggests that both individuals will have a friendly disposition in marriage. They will uplift each other to achieve spiritual goals in life." },"bhakoota": {"p1":"Aries","p2":"Aries","points_obtained":7,"max_ponits":7,"area_of_life":"Emotional Bonding", "description": "The couple will have great emotional connectivity between them. This score is extremely important for matchmaking as it contributes 7 points alone. Rahul Kumar will feel affectionate and empathetic towards his wife whereas Simran Kumari will provide all the nurturing and care to her husband. Bhakoot is extremely important because it tests the conflict resolution patterns. While there are small hiccups in every relationship, one thing that is sure with this score is that the conflicts that may arise will be solved just by a fun chuckle and things will never be complicated."
},"nadi": {"p1":"Madhya","p2":"Madhya","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":8,"area_of_life":"Health and Progeny", "description": "The nadi score is 0. This means you have the same nadis. This is called Nadi dosha and it is the most important consideration in matching horoscopes. Nadi dosha results in problems with having children or even having weak or unhealthy children. Children are the most beautiful gift of god which you achieve together with your partner. Having nadi dosha in the match may result in being deprived of this gift."
} },"ashtakoot_milan_result": {"points_obtained":28,"max_ponits":36,"is_compatible":"true","content":"The compatibility score between the male and female is 28 out of 36, which is considered reasonably good. Additionally, their zodiac signs are friendly, indicating mental compatibility and mutual affection. Overall, it's a favorable match according to Ashtakoota." },"manglik_dosha": {"p1":"false","p2":"false" },"nadi_dosha":"true","bhakoot_dosha":"false" }}
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