Analyze the layers of compatibility with our 'Dashakoot Milan' API, evaluating the harmony between partners based on ten crucial factors within the realm of Indian Astrology's Kundali Matching.
{"success":1,"data": {"dashakoot_milan": {"dina": {"p1":"Bharani","p2":"Bharani","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":3, "area_of_life": "This factor is analyzed for a long-lived marital period which covers the health and comfort of the couple."
},"gana": {"p1":"Manushya","p2":"Manushya","result":"Good","points_obtained":4,"max_ponits":4, "area_of_life": "This denotes the likeness of nature and mind between the couple. This factor analyses their attitude and temper and the sexual nature between the couple."
},"yoni": {"p1":"Gaja","p2":"Gaja","result":"Good","points_obtained":4,"max_ponits":4, "area_of_life": "Yoni determines the sexual attraction and the mutual compatibility of love between the partners. Represented by the nature and attitude of certain animals, Yoni helps to understand the sexual compatibility."
},"rashi": {"p1":"Aries","p2":"Aries","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":7, "area_of_life": "Rashi reflects the prospect of progeny through the hereditary understanding of the family of each partner. Rashi also determines the mutual respect and attitude of the partners towards each other."
},"rajju": {"p1":"Kati","p2":"Kati","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":5, "area_of_life": "Rajju koota is the consideration of the husband’s long life ensuring the blissful understanding pf the woman to lead a long and happy conjugal life together."
},"rasyadhipati": {"p1":"Mars","p2":"Mars","result":"Good","points_obtained":5,"max_ponits":5, "area_of_life": "This koota determines the level of friendship between the couple. It determines the couple remain in healthy bonds to maintain successful birth of their children and their prosperity."
},"vedha": {"p1":"Bharani","p2":"Bharani","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":2, "area_of_life": "Vedha refers to the afflictions or bad omens that might befall a marriage. This often arises when the horoscope of the couple is not in agreement with the other. This koota enables the couple to get rid such the obstacles."
},"vashya": {"p1":"Aries","p2":"Aries","result":"Good","points_obtained":2,"max_ponits":2, "area_of_life": "Vasya koota tests the compatibility between the couple by understanding the desire between the two partners to make a marriage work."
},"mahendra": {"p1":"Bharani","p2":"Bharani","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":2, "area_of_life": "This koota considers the wealth, longevity of the couple and their prospect of progeny after their marriage."
},"streedargha": {"p1":"Bharani","p2":"Bharani","result":"Not Satisfactory","points_obtained":0,"max_ponits":2, "area_of_life": "This Koota ensures the long life, prosperity and wellbeing of the female counterpart during the match making process. It also determines the abundance and affluence the couple will achieve."
} },"dashakoot_milan_result": {"points_obtained":15,"max_ponits":36,"is_compatible":"false", "content": "The compatibility score between the male and female is only 15 out of 36, which is not very high. It may suggest a lack of mental compatibility and mutual affection between the two. Hence, it might not be a favorable Dashakoota match."
},"manglik_dosha": {"p1":"false","p2":"false" },"rajju_dosha":"true" }}
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