Introducing our Love Triangle Reading API, a powerful tool for unraveling complex relationship dynamics. Provide users with personalized insights and guidance on navigating love triangles, helping them make informed decisions about their romantic lives.
Returns Love Triangle Reading in response
your API Access Token
eg: Bearer {token}
Request Body
Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)
Card Image 1/2/3, default 1
"success": 1,
"data": {
"prediction": {
"card1": "THE MOON",
"card2": "THE FOOL",
"card3": "THE LOVERS",
"card1_image": "",
"card2_image": "",
"card3_image": "",
"your": "As someone who is ruled by their emotions, it is important for you to be with a partner who is able to understand and accept your feelings. You have a strong sense of compassion, which allows you to connect with others on a deep level. Your intuition is also quite strong, which can guide you towards a loving and fulfilling relationship.\r\n\r\nHowever, it is important to be aware that your emotions can be quite volatile at times. Just like the phases of the moon, your feelings can change rapidly, especially if you feel hurt or insecure. This can be challenging for a partner who is not equipped to handle your emotional fluctuations. It's important for you to communicate your needs and feelings in a way that is clear and respectful, so that your partner can understand and support you.\r\n\r\nYour sense of well-being is closely tied to your home and security. You value stability and a sense of safety, and you need a partner who can provide you with these things. A stable and secure home life will help you to feel grounded and centered, which will in turn allow you to explore your emotions and connect with your partner on a deeper level.\r\n\r\nIn terms of romance, it's important for you to prioritize your desires over your needs. While it's natural to want to be loved and cared for, you should also make sure that you are with someone who truly makes you happy and fulfills your deepest desires. This may mean taking some risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone, but the rewards will be well worth it in the end.",
"lover1": "It's important to remember that while excitement and passion can be exhilarating, they can also be fleeting. It's important to balance the thrill of the moment with practicality and responsibility. If you find yourself in a relationship with this person, it's important to encourage them to think about the long-term consequences of their actions. You can be the solid and reliable presence that helps them stay grounded and focused. Together, you can build a relationship that is both exciting and stable, with a strong foundation that can weather any storm. So, take a chance on this person, but do it with your eyes wide open and your heart grounded in reality.",
"lover2": "You may be feeling a strong physical attraction towards this person, but it's important to consider whether there is more to your connection than just lust. While physical chemistry can be a powerful force, it may not necessarily translate into a long-lasting, meaningful relationship. Take a step back and evaluate whether there is genuine trust, respect, and compatibility between you and this person.\r\n\r\nIt's also important to acknowledge that sometimes our desires can lead us to pursue people who are not truly available or interested in us. It can be tempting to believe that there is a strong connection between you and someone you are attracted to, but it's important to be honest with yourself about whether this person is really interested in a relationship with you.\r\n\r\nUltimately, it's important to approach your relationship with this person from a place of honesty and authenticity. If your connection is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and shared values, then it may have the potential to be a fulfilling, long-term romance. However, if your attraction is purely physical or one-sided, then it may be best to move on and find someone who is truly right for you."
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