General House Report
Discover the essence of your astrological identity with our 'General House Report' API, providing personalized insights into your zodiac sign's attributes and characteristics within the realm of Indian Astrology.
Supported Language Codes:
Support Article URL -
en For English
hi For Hindi
pt For Portuguese
fr For French
de For German
ja For Japanese
tr For turkish
ru For Russian
it For Italian
es For Spanish
nl For Dutch
pl For Polish
Guide: These languages are supported by this API. You can use by passing "lan" in body with a value of the language.
House system codes:
House System Codes Support Article URL -
P: Placidus
K: Koch
R: Regiomontanus
C: Campanus
A: equal
W: equal, whole sign
N: Whole sign, Aries = 1st house
X: axial rotation system/ Meridian houses
T: Polich/Page ("topocentric")
M: Morinus
O: Porphyry
B: Alcabitius
D: equal / MC
E: equal = A
F: Carter poli-equatorial
G: 36 Gauquelin sectors
H: horizon / azimuth
I: Sunshine
i: Sunshine alternative
L: Pullen
Q: Pullen
S: Sripati
U: Krusinski-Pisa-Goelzer
V: equal Vehlow
Y: APC houses
Note: The default house system used is P - Placidus
Returns General House Report in response
your API Access Token
eg: Bearer {token}
Request Body
your API key
full name, ex: Rahul Kumar
date of birth, eg: 24
month of birth, eg: 05
year of birth, eg: 2023
hour, eg: 14
min *
minute, eg: 40
second, eg 43
gender, ex: male
place, ex: New Delhi
latitude, eg: 28.7041
longitude, eg: 77.1025
Language en/hi, default en
House system code, default - P (Placidus)
"success": 1,
"data": {
"planet_name": "Sun",
"house": 8,
"report": "When the Sun is in the eighth house of a person's birth chart, it significantly influences their transformative experiences, shared resources, and deep psychological aspects.\n\nIntense and Transformative Experiences: With the Sun in the eighth house, you are likely to experience intense and transformative events throughout your life. These experiences may bring about significant changes, personal growth, and a deep understanding of life's mysteries.\n\nDesire for Self-Discovery: You have a strong desire for self-discovery and a fascination with the hidden aspects of life. You are drawn to uncovering the deeper truths and meanings behind experiences and seek personal transformation through this exploration.\n\nPower Dynamics in Relationships: The placement of the Sun in the eighth house can influence power dynamics within your relationships. You may have a strong need to assert your individuality and maintain a sense of personal power. It's important to find a balance between your personal desires and the needs of your partnerships.\n\nIntuition and Psychic Abilities: The Sun in the eighth house enhances your intuitive and psychic abilities. You have a natural inclination to understand the deeper motivations and emotions of others. Trusting your intuition can help you navigate complex relationship dynamics.\n\nShared Finances and Resources: The eighth house is associated with shared resources, including financial matters and intimacy. With the Sun in this house, you may have a focus on managing joint finances and investments with your partners. There may be a need for transparency and trust in financial matters.\n\nDeep Emotional Connections: Your relationships tend to be characterized by deep emotional connections and intense bonds. You may be drawn to partners who have a transformative effect on your life and help you explore the depths of your emotions.\n\nPsychological Insight and Healing: The Sun in the eighth house grants you psychological insight and the potential for deep healing. You may be interested in psychotherapy, self-analysis, or other forms of self-exploration to better understand your inner self and heal past wounds.\n\nEmbracing Change and Letting Go: The eighth house represents transformation and letting go of the old to make way for the new. With the Sun in this house, you are encouraged to embrace change and release attachments that no longer serve you. This process can lead to personal growth and empowerment.\n\nInterest in Mysticism and Occult Sciences: The placement of the Sun in the eighth house may spark an interest in mysticism, occult sciences, and metaphysical subjects. You may be drawn to exploring spiritual practices, such as astrology, tarot, or energy healing, to deepen your understanding of life's mysteries.\n\nFacing the Shadow Self: The eighth house is associated with the shadow self, and with the Sun in this house, you are encouraged to confront and integrate your shadow aspects. By acknowledging and accepting all parts of yourself, you can experience greater wholeness and authenticity in your relationships."
Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX And Python :
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'full_name="Rahul Kumar"' \
--form 'day="24"' \
--form 'month="05"' \
--form 'year="2023"' \
--form 'hour="14"' \
--form 'min="40"' \
--form 'sec="43"' \
--form 'gender="male"' \
--form 'place="New Delhi, India"' \
--form 'lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'tzone="5.5"'
--form 'lan="en"' \
--form 'house_system="P"'
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {Your Auth Token}'
formData: {
'api_key': '{Your API Key}',
'full_name': 'Rahul Kumar',
'day': '24',
'month': '05',
'year': '2023',
'hour': '14',
'min': '40',
'sec': '43',
'gender': 'male',
'place': 'New Delhi, India',
'lat': '28.7041',
'lon': '77.1025',
'tzone': '5.5'
'lan': 'en',
'house_system': 'P'
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
var form = new FormData();
form.append("api_key", "{Your API Key}");
form.append("full_name", "Rahul Kumar");
form.append("day", "24");
form.append("month", "05");
form.append("year", "2023");
form.append("hour", "14");
form.append("min", "40");
form.append("sec", "43");
form.append("gender", "male");
form.append("place", "New Delhi, India");
form.append("lat", "28.7041");
form.append("lon", "77.1025");
form.append("tzone", "5.5");
form.append("lan", "en");
form.append("house_system", "P");
var settings = {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"timeout": 0,
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer {Your Auth Token}"
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"contentType": false,
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
import requests
url = ""
payload = {'api_key': '{Your API Key}',
'full_name': 'Rahul Kumar',
'day': '24',
'month': '05',
'year': '2023',
'hour': '14',
'min': '40',
'sec': '43',
'gender': 'male',
'place': 'New Delhi, India',
'lat': '28.7041',
'lon': '77.1025',
'tzone': '5.5'
'lan': 'en',
'house_system': 'P'}
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {Your Auth Token}'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
Last updated