Embark on a yogic journey through time with our 'Yogini Dasha' API, unraveling the sequential planetary periods that bestow unique spiritual and material experiences within the paradigm of Indian Astrology.
Supported Language Codes:
Support Article URL -
en For English
hi For Hindi
bn For Bengali
ma For Marathi
tm For Tamil
tl For Telugu
ml For Malayalam
kn For Kannada
Guide: These languages are supported by this API. You can use by passing "lan" in body with a value of the language.
Returns Yogini Dasha in response
your API Access Token
eg: Bearer {token}
Request Body
your API key
full name, ex: Rahul kumar
date of birth, eg: 24
month of birth, eg: 05
year of birth, eg: 2023
hour, eg: 14
min *
minute, eg: 40
second, eg 43
gender, ex: male
place, ex: New Delhi
latitude, eg: 28.7041
longitude, eg: 77.1025
"success": 1,
"data": {
"raj_yoga": {
"name": "Raj Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
" and 9th lord Venus is placed in 10th house without being debilitated or conjuncted with 6th/8th/12th lords in Lagna chart.",
"You have 1 very strong Rajyoga.",
"Rajyogas elevate the status of an individual upto the strength that the rajyoga forming planet aquires. A rajyoga delivers strong character, high mental stregnth and indomitable spirit. It certainly increases the probability of success in financial, social and spiritual aspects of life. Your horoscope exhibits a strong rajyoga. You will attain high positions in your life."
"vipreet_raj_yoga": {
"name": "Vipreet Raj Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"Vipreet Rajyoga as the name explains is the rajyoga which is formed by the malefic or the adverse planets in the horoscope. When malefics lose their maleficence, they tend to deliver benefic results in life. Individuals having vipreet rajyoga in the horoscope excel in the adverse situations. Such individuals have an acute ability of holding their ground when they're surrounded by challenges."
"dhan_yoga": {
"name": "Dhan Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"buddha_aditya_yoga": {
"name": "Buddha Aditya Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"gaja_kesari_yoga": {
"name": "Gaja Kesari Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"amala_yoga": {
"name": "Amala Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"The presence of Amala yoga in a person's birth chart is believed to indicate a life that is relatively free from major obstacles, diseases, and suffering. Individuals with Amala yoga are thought to lead a prosperous and fortunate life. Those with amala yoga are creative, skilled and hardworking individuals. You have this yoga and hence you're likely to stand out amongst many others."
"parvata_yoga": {
"name": "Parvata Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"With Parvata yoga in the chart, one is benovalent and helpful in nature and loved by all. This yoga gives immense self confidence and will power to the beneficiary. Such individuals are social influencers and agents of wisdom and kindness. You possess this yoga. Congratulations!"
"kahala_yoga": {
"name": "Kahala Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"chamara_yoga": {
"name": "Chamara Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"sankha_yoga": {
"name": "Sankha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"lagnadhi_yoga": {
"name": "Lagnadhi Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"chandradhi_yoga": {
"name": "Chandradhi Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"bhadra_pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"name": "Bhadra Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"malavya_pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"name": "Malavya Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"ruchaka_pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"name": "Ruchaka Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"hamsa_pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"name": "Hamsa Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"sasha_pancha_mahapurusha_yoga": {
"name": "Sasha Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"lunar_yoga": {
"sunapha_yoga": {
"name": "Sunapha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"anapha_yoga": {
"name": "Anapha Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"You have anapha yoga in your chart. You shall be rich and affluent. You will remain truthful in your life. You will possess a leadership role in an organizaation and will remain quite egoistic about it."
"duradhara_yoga": {
"name": "Duradhara Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"solar_yoga": {
"vesi_yoga": {
"name": "Vesi Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"This yoga is present in your chart. You are creator of your own destiny. You will never aim for less in your life. You shall be hardworking and perseverant. You will enjoy great health."
"vasi_yoga": {
"name": "Vasi Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"Optimism and determination are the key aspects of your personality as you possess this yoga. You shall be driven towards fitness and healthy lifestyle. You are the person with high moral standards."
"ubhayachari_yoga": {
"name": "Ubhayachari Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"You shall be a avid speaker which will carve your way to become a great leader in your sphere of life. You shall be an accomplished individual given to your high efforts. You will have a high ego due to which people may not like you sometimes."
"shubh_kartari_yoga": {
"name": "Shubh Kartari Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"paap_kartari_yoga": {
"name": "Paap Kartari Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": [],
"remedies": []
"saraswati_yoga": {
"name": "Saraswati Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"lakshmi_yoga": {
"name": "Lakshmi Yoga",
"is_valid": "true",
"content": {
"detail": [
"You shall be virtous and kingly in nature. You will have a charming personality. You will earn good wealth in life as you are blessed with Lakshmi Yoga. You will have high moral spirits. You shall be blessed with a daughter."
"kusuma_yoga": {
"name": "Kusuma Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"kalindi_yoga": {
"name": "Kalindi Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"kalpadruma_yoga": {
"name": "Kalpadruma Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"trimurti_yogas": {
"hari_yoga": {
"name": "Hari Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"hara_yoga": {
"name": "Hara Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"brahma_yoga": {
"name": "Brahma Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"khadga_yoga": {
"name": "Khadga Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"koorma_yoga": {
"name": "Koorma Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"matsya_yoga": {
"name": "Matsya Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"sarada_yoga": {
"name": "Sarada Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"srinatha_yoga": {
"name": "Srinatha Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"mridanga_yoga": {
"name": "Mridanga Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
"bheri_yoga": {
"name": "Bheri Yoga",
"is_valid": "false",
"content": {
"detail": []
Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'full_name="Rahul kumar"' \
--form 'day="24"' \
--form 'month="05"' \
--form 'year="2023"' \
--form 'hour="14"' \
--form 'min="40"' \
--form 'sec="43"' \
--form 'gender="male"' \
--form 'place="New Delhi "' \
--form 'lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'lan="en"'
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {Your Auth Token}'
formData: {
'api_key': '{Your API Key}',
'full_name': 'Rahul kumar',
'day': '24',
'month': '05',
'year': '2023',
'hour': '14',
'min': '40',
'sec': '43',
'gender': 'male',
'place': 'New Delhi ',
'lat': '28.7041',
'lon': '77.1025',
'tzone': '5.5',
'lan': 'en'
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
var form = new FormData();
form.append("api_key", "{Your API Key}");
form.append("full_name", "Rahul kumar");
form.append("day", "24");
form.append("month", "05");
form.append("year", "2023");
form.append("hour", "14");
form.append("min", "40");
form.append("sec", "43");
form.append("gender", "male");
form.append("place", "New Delhi ");
form.append("lat", "28.7041");
form.append("lon", "77.1025");
form.append("tzone", "5.5");
form.append("lan", "en");
var settings = {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"timeout": 0,
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer {Your Auth Token}"
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"contentType": false,
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
import requests
url = ""
payload = {'api_key': '{Your API Key}',
'full_name': 'Rahul kumar',
'day': '24',
'month': '05',
'year': '2023',
'hour': '14',
'min': '40',
'sec': '43',
'gender': 'male',
'place': 'New Delhi ',
'lat': '28.7041',
'lon': '77.1025',
'tzone': '5.5',
'lan': 'en'}
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {Your Auth Token}'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
Last updated