Coffee Cup Reading

Introducing the Coffee Cup Reading API, a unique tool to bring the mystique of coffee cup divination to your website and applications. Access symbolic interpretations and insights derived from coffee grounds, adding a touch of intrigue and spirituality to your services.

Use translator for other language:

Update translator:

en For English

hi For Hindi

pt For Portuguese

fr For French

es For Spanish

ru For Russian

de For German

nl For Dutch

it For Italian

pl For Polish

ar For Arabic

ja For Japanese

zh For Chinese

tm for Tamil

tl for Telugu


Returns Coffee Cup Reading in response





your API Access Token

eg: Bearer {token}

Request Body




Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)



Language en/hi, default en

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "prediction": {
            "present_title": "Reptiles",
            "present_image": "",
            "present_content": "Reptiles in the reading are a symbolization of adapting to new thoughts, ways, and ideas that need to be implemented in one’s life. The projection of responses such as the fight, running away or fear is portrayed depending on the circumstances that have taken the toil over the situation. If such a symbol comes up, it says that you are ready enough to undergo any situation that is going to happen in your life. Nothing would come out from the unknown for you. You will be flowing smoothly in your life, devoid of stress.",
            "near_future_title": "Saw",
            "near_future_image": "",
            "near_future_content": "A saw is about being just and clear about what is going on. Saw is the representation of the situation where the individual is not attached or connected to the result or the consequences. He/ She does not take the stress. It is better to stay at a distance and observe the situation, & interfere later if necessary. ",
            "distant_future_title": "Rabbit",
            "distant_future_image": "",
            "distant_future_content": "You are the bravest one in the room. Do not lose the bravery you have. You can change things around you due to the power of your mind. Whatever you do, you like to do it fast. Do not be timid in challenging situations. "

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS, JavaScript jQuery AJAX or Python:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'lan="en"'

Last updated