Wisdom Reading

Introducing our Wisdom Reading API, your portal to accessing profound wisdom and insights for personal growth and reflection. Easily integrate wisdom readings into your website and applications, offering users guidance and inspiration for their journey.

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POST https://astroapi-5.divineapi.com/api/v2/wisdom-reading

Returns Wisdom Reading in response





your API Access Token

eg: Bearer {token}

Request Body




Your API Key (can be found on your Divineapi dashboard)



Language en/hi, default en

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "prediction": {
            "card1": "TEMPERANCE",
            "card2": "THE HANGED MAN",
            "card1_image": "https://astroapi-5.divineapi.com/public/uploads/tarot-zen/15.png",
            "card2_image": "https://astroapi-5.divineapi.com/public/uploads/tarot-zen/13.png",
            "ying": "If you're feeling overwhelmed by your current situation, the Temperance card encourages you to take a step back and find balance. Your emotions are likely running high and it can be difficult to make decisions or take action. This is the time to slow down and be patient with yourself. It may seem like progress is slow or even nonexistent, but trust that you are moving forward towards your goals.\r\n\r\nIncorporating mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or yoga, can be especially beneficial during this time. These practices can help you to stay centered and find peace within yourself, even amidst chaos. You may also benefit from seeking the advice or support of a trusted friend or therapist to help you navigate through the emotions that may arise.\r\n\r\nRemember, every step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your desired outcome. Trust in yourself and your journey, and know that with time and patience, you will find the balance and harmony that you seek.",
            "yang": "By freeing yourself from the past and embracing change, you can create a bright future. Take a moment to consider what changes you can make to better yourself and your surroundings. Embracing new perspectives and ideas can lead to exciting opportunities that you never would have considered before. The Hanged Man is a reminder that sometimes we need to step back and reassess our situation in order to move forward. It's okay to take a break and recharge your batteries, as this can lead to a clearer mind and a fresh outlook on life. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and be open to the possibilities that come your way."

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS, JavaScript jQuery AJAX or Python:

curl --location 'https://astroapi-5.divineapi.com/api/v2/wisdom-reading' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'lan="en"'

Last updated