Planet Analysis


sun: For Sun

moon: For Moon

mars: For Mars

mercury: For Mercury

venus: For Venus

saturn: For Saturn

jupiter: For Jupiter

ketu: For Ketu

rahu: For Rahu

Embark on a yogic journey through time with our 'Planet Analysis' API, unraveling the sequential planetary periods that bestow unique spiritual and material experiences within the paradigm of Indian Astrology.


Returns Planet Analysis in response


Request Body

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "planet": "Moon",
        "sign": "Cancer",
        "sign_no": 4,
        "house": 11,
        "longitude": "3:7:11",
        "lord": "Moon",
        "analysis": {
            "planet_in_house": "When the Moon is in the eleventh house of a person's birth chart, it influences their friendships, social networks, and emotional connections within group settings.\n\nEmotional Connection in Friendships: With the Moon in the eleventh house, you form deep emotional connections with your friends and are highly invested in your social relationships. You seek friendships that provide you with emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging. Your friends become an extended family to you, and you value their presence and companionship.\n\nIntuitive Understanding of Group Dynamics: You have a natural intuition when it comes to group dynamics and can easily sense the emotions and needs of those around you. This allows you to navigate social situations with empathy and adaptability. You have a knack for creating a harmonious and inclusive atmosphere within your social circles.\n\nNurturing and Supportive Friend: Your nurturing nature extends to your friendships, and you are often the go-to person for emotional support and guidance. Your friends seek solace and comfort in your presence, knowing that you are empathetic and understanding. You provide a safe space for others to express their emotions and offer a shoulder to lean on when needed.\n\nStrong Emotional Bonds: The Moon in the eleventh house signifies that you form strong emotional bonds with your friends. You deeply care about their well-being and invest time and energy into nurturing these connections. Your friends often become like family to you, and you may have long-lasting friendships that withstand the test of time.\n\nIntuitive Networking: You have a natural ability to connect with people on an intuitive level, which aids you in networking and building meaningful connections. Your instincts guide you towards individuals who resonate with your emotions and values. This helps you create a supportive network of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you.\n\nSocial Involvement and Group Activities: You find joy and fulfillment in participating in group activities and social gatherings. You actively engage in social events, clubs, or organizations that align with your interests and values. Being part of a larger community gives you a sense of belonging and purpose, and you thrive in environments where you can share your emotions and experiences.\n\nEmotionally Influenced Goals and Aspirations: Your goals and aspirations are often influenced by your emotions and the connections you have with others. You may seek professions or endeavors that allow you to make a positive impact on people's lives or contribute to the well-being of society. Your emotional intelligence and empathy play a significant role in your pursuit of these goals.\n\nSensitivity to Group Energy: The Moon in the eleventh house heightens your sensitivity to the energy of groups. You are attuned to the moods and emotions of those around you, and you may be affected by the overall atmosphere within a social setting. It's important for you to maintain a healthy balance between your own emotional well-being and the energy of the groups you engage with.\n\nEmotional Fulfillment Through Social Connections: Your emotional fulfillment is closely tied to your social connections and the quality of your friendships. When surrounded by a supportive and nurturing social network, you feel a sense of contentment and happiness. It's essential for you to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships that nourish your emotional needs.\n\nFluctuating Social Circles: Your social circles may experience fluctuations and changes over time, as your emotional needs and interests evolve. You may be drawn to different groups or communities as you grow and develop. It's important for you to honor your changing emotional landscape and surround yourself with people who align with your current values and aspirations.",
            "planet_in_sign": "When the Moon is in Cancer, it means that the Moon was in the zodiac sign of Cancer at the time of your birth. The placement of the Moon represents your emotions, instincts, subconscious mind, and how you respond to the world around you.\n\nWith the Moon in Cancer, you have a deeply sensitive and nurturing nature. You are highly attuned to your emotions and the emotions of others, often experiencing a strong empathetic connection. Your intuition is powerful, and you rely on your gut feelings and instincts when navigating life's challenges.\n\nYour emotions play a significant role in your decision-making process. You may make choices based on how they align with your emotional well-being and the well-being of those you care about. Creating a sense of security and emotional stability is essential to you, and you may actively seek out environments and relationships that provide a nurturing and safe space.\n\nFamily and home hold great importance in your life. You have a strong attachment to your roots and may have a close-knit relationship with your family members. You derive comfort and a sense of belonging from your home and often invest considerable time and energy in creating a warm and harmonious domestic environment.\n\nYour caring and nurturing qualities are evident in your relationships. You are deeply devoted to your loved ones and seek to provide emotional support and care. You are attentive and intuitive, able to sense the needs of others and offer comfort and understanding. Your empathy and compassion make you a natural caretaker and someone others often turn to for emotional support.\n\nHowever, the influence of the Moon in Cancer can also bring emotional challenges. You may be prone to mood swings or experiencing heightened sensitivity to criticism or perceived rejection. Your strong emotional connection to others may sometimes lead to an excessive need for validation and approval. Learning to balance your emotional needs with independence and self-care is important for your well-being.\n\nIn creative pursuits, you are often drawn to outlets that allow you to express your emotions and tap into your intuition. Artistic endeavors, writing, music, or any form of creative self-expression can serve as a means of emotional release and personal exploration.\n\nYour nurturing qualities and empathetic nature also make you well-suited for careers that involve caregiving, counseling, social work, or any field that allows you to support and uplift others.\n\nOverall, with the Moon in Cancer, your emotional depth, intuition, and nurturing qualities are prominent aspects of your personality. Embracing and understanding your emotions, practicing self-care, and creating a loving and supportive environment for yourself and others will help you navigate life's challenges and cultivate deep and meaningful connections."

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'full_name="Rahul kumar"' \
--form 'day="24"' \
--form 'month="05"' \
--form 'year="2023"' \
--form 'hour="14"' \
--form 'min="40"' \
--form 'sec="43"' \
--form 'gender="male"' \
--form 'place="New Delhi "' \
--form 'lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'lan="en"' \
--form 'analysis_planet="moon"'

Last updated