Vedic Yearly Prediction 10 Year
Illuminate your journey with astrological clarity using our 'Vedic Yearly Prediction 10 Year' API, generating enlightening astrological charts in PDF format that shed light on life's path within the realm of Indian Astrology.
Vedic Yearly Prediction 10 Year in response
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | your API Access Token eg: Bearer {token} |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
api_key* | String | your API key |
full_name* | String | Full name of the user, ex: Rahul Kumar |
day* | Integer | Birth date of the user, eg: 24 |
month* | Integer | Birth month of the user, eg: 05 |
year* | Integer | Birth year of the user, eg: 2023 |
hour* | Integer | Birth hour of the user, eg: 14 |
min * | Integer | Birth minute of the user, eg: 40 |
sec* | Integer | Birth second of the user, eg 43 |
gender* | String | Gender of the user, ex: male |
place* | String | User birth place, ex: New Delhi, India |
lat* | Float | Latitude of user birth place, eg: 28.7041 |
lon* | Float | Longitude of user birth place, eg: 77.1025 |
tzone* | Float | Timezone of user birth place, eg: 5.5 |
lan | String | Pdf Language en/hi, default en |
company_name* | String | Your company name, ex: Divine API |
company_url* | String | Your domain full url , eg: "" |
company_email* | String | Your company email , eg: "" |
company_mobile* | String | Your company mobile number, eg: "+91 1212 1212 12" |
company_bio* | String | Note Should be less then 500 character, ex: "Your Company Bio" |
logo_url* | String | Your company logo url (png only), eg: "logo_url" |
footer_text* | String | Note Should be less then 100 character, ex: "Your Company Bio" |
Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :
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