Contrasting Aspect Reading

Explore Synastry API's Contrasting Aspect Reading for insightful relationship analysis, spotlighting divergent planetary aspects to navigate and understand differences in astrological compatibility.

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Request Body

    "success": 1,
    "data": [
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Pluto",
                "full_degree": "246.7995404",
                "sign": "Sagittarius",
                "sign_no": 9,
                "longitude": "6:47:58"
            "orb": 3.79,
            "aspect": "Opposition",
            "aspect_type": "Hard",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Power Struggles",
                    "description": "In this synastry aspect, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may find themselves in a consistent power struggle. Simran Kumari's Pluto opposition to Rahul Kumar's Sun can result in conflict as both individuals vie to maintain control within the relationship."
                    "title": "Transformation Challenges",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar may be forced to undergo transformations they are not comfortable with due to the intense influence of Simran Kumari’s Pluto. Unless handled delicately, this can bring about upheaval and distress in the relationship."
                    "title": "Intense Attraction",
                    "description": "Despite the challenges, this opposition can also bring about an intensely magnetic attraction between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. This passionate energy might translate to an irresistible but volatile love affair."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Chiron",
                "full_degree": "224.2841493",
                "sign": "Scorpio",
                "sign_no": 8,
                "longitude": "14:17:3"
            "orb": 1.18,
            "aspect": "Opposition",
            "aspect_type": "Hard",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Turbulence",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Moon is in opposition to Simran Kumari's Chiron, it may provoke emotional turbulence. Rahul Kumar's emotional reactions and instincts may often wound or trigger Simran Kumari's deep-seated pains or hidden vulnerabilities."
                    "title": "Shared Healing",
                    "description": "Despite triggering each other's wounds, this aspect also creates potential for shared healing. If both Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari can acknowledge their emotional issues and work on healing them collectively, their bond could grow much stronger."
                    "title": "Depth of Understanding",
                    "description": "Although challenging, this opposition often leads to increased understanding between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. Rahul Kumar’s emotional intuition coupled with Simran Kumari’s suffering can lead to deeper comprehension and empathy for each other's emotional states."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Mercury",
                "full_degree": "44.8177723",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "14:49:4"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Chiron",
                "full_degree": "224.2841493",
                "sign": "Scorpio",
                "sign_no": 8,
                "longitude": "14:17:3"
            "orb": 0.53,
            "aspect": "Opposition",
            "aspect_type": "Hard",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Communication clashes",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's Mercury opposition Simran Kumari's Chiron implies there might be differences how Rahul Kumar communicates and Simran Kumari's perspective towards their own wounds and healing process. This might create tension in communication."
                    "title": "Understanding challenges",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar might inadvertently trigger Simran Kumari's deepest insecurities or past traumas, as Chiron represents wounds. This may lead to misunderstanding if Rahul Kumar seems unsympathetic or unknowingly harsh in their approach."
                    "title": "Potential growth",
                    "description": "The tension between Rahul Kumar's communication style and Simran Kumari's wounded areas could result in growth for both parties, provided they are willing to work through their issues. Rahul Kumar might learn sensitivity while Simran Kumari may find healing."

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'p1_full_name="Rahul Kumar"' \
--form 'p1_day="24"' \
--form 'p1_month="05"' \
--form 'p1_year="1998"' \
--form 'p1_hour="14"' 
--form 'p1_min="40"' \
--form 'p1_sec="43"' \
--form 'p1_gender="male"' \
--form 'p1_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p1_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p1_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p1_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'p2_full_name="Simran Kumari"' \
--form 'p2_day="24"' \
--form 'p2_month="05"' \
--form 'p2_year="1998"' \
--form 'p2_hour="14"' \
--form 'p2_min="40"' \
--form 'p2_sec="43"' \
--form 'p2_gender="female"' \
--form 'p2_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p2_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p2_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p2_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'lan="en"'

Last updated