Harmonious Aspect Reading

Explore Synastry API's Harmonious Aspect Reading for deep relationship insights, highlighting supportive planetary interactions to reveal potential harmony and alignment in astrological compatibility.

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POST https://astroapi-4.divineapi.com/western-api/v1/synastry/harmonious-aspect-reading

Returns Harmonious Aspect Reading in response





your API Access Token

eg: Bearer {token}

Request Body




your API key



P1's Full Name, ex: Rahul Kumar



P1's date of birth, eg: 24



P1's month of birth, eg: 05



P1's year of birth, eg: 1998



P1's hour, eg: 14

p1_min *


P1's minute, eg: 40



P1's second, eg 43



P1's gender, ex: male



P1's birth place, ex: New Delhi



P1's latitude, eg: 28.7041



P1's longitude, eg: 77.1025



P1's timezone, eg: 5.5



P2's Full Name, ex: Simran Kumari



P2's date of birth, eg: 24



P2's month of birth, eg: 05



P2's year of birth, eg: 1998



P2's hour, eg: 14



P2's minute, eg: 40



P2's second, eg 43



P2's gender, ex: male



P2's birth place, ex: New Delhi



P2's latitude, eg: 28.7041



P2's longitude, eg: 77.1025



P2's timezone, eg: 5.5



Language en/hi, default en

    "success": 1,
    "data": [
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Neptune",
                "full_degree": "302.0576072",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "2:3:27"
            "orb": 3.71,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Spiritual Connection",
                    "description": "With Rahul Kumar's Ascendant Trine Simran Kumari’s Neptune, a strong spiritual and psychic connection is formed. Rahul Kumar might be greatly attuned to Simran Kumari's dreams, fantasies, and spiritual ventures, providing a feeling of deeper understanding."
                    "title": "Escapism Tendencies",
                    "description": "This configuration may also indicate a desire for escapism. Rahul Kumar may intuitively understand Simran Kumari's need to escape reality occasionally, providing a supportive environment. However, it could also enable or encourage pernicious escapism behaviors."
                    "title": "Emotional Understanding",
                    "description": "Emotionally, it can create a deep, non-verbal understanding between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. Rahul Kumar can instinctively understand Simran Kumari's emotional states and innermost feelings, which can bring closeness but also a risk of misunderstanding if intuition is off."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Pluto",
                "full_degree": "246.7995404",
                "sign": "Sagittarius",
                "sign_no": 9,
                "longitude": "6:47:58"
            "orb": 1.03,
            "aspect": "Sextile",
            "aspect_type": "Mildly Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Intense Attraction",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Ascendant is in a Sextile aspect with Simran Kumari's Pluto, there's an intense and dynamic attraction. Rahul Kumar may feel mysteriously drawn to Simran Kumari, making the relationship magnetic and fascinating."
                    "title": "Transformational Influence",
                    "description": "Simran Kumari's Pluto may inspire Rahul Kumar to transform themselves in significant ways. It can lead to deep changes and rebirth, pushing Rahul Kumar out of their comfort zone to evolve and grow."
                    "title": "Power Dynamics",
                    "description": "Power dynamics may be significant in this relationship. Simran Kumari can influence Rahul Kumar in subtle, profound ways. This can lead to domination scenarios, where Simran Kumari exerts control, requiring maturity and understanding from both partners to balance."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "orb": 2.76,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Easy Bonding",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Sun forms a trine aspect with Simran Kumari's Ascendant, it indicates a strong mutual understanding and easy flow of energy between the two individuals. There is a natural harmony and they easily blend with each other's way of expressing oneself."
                    "title": "Mutual Respect",
                    "description": "The Trine aspect fosters an environment of mutual respect and admiration. Rahul Kumar perceives Simran Kumari as a confident individual, respecting their unique personality and beliefs. This aspect builds a strong foundation for trust and respect in the relationship."
                    "title": "Creative Expansion",
                    "description": "With Rahul Kumar's Sun trine Simran Kumari's Ascendant, there are opportunities for the couple to grow creatively. The supportive condition of the trine aspect encourages both Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari to explore new ideas and potentials, broadening their horizons and enriching their understanding of each other."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "North node",
                "full_degree": "156.1323021",
                "sign": "Virgo",
                "sign_no": 6,
                "longitude": "6:7:56"
            "orb": 6.97,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Connection",
                    "description": "In synastry, Rahul Kumar's moon trine Simran Kumari's north node indicates a strong emotional connection. Rahul Kumar intuitively understands Simran Kumari's life path and purpose, establishing a deep emotional bond."
                    "title": "Karmic Link",
                    "description": "The moon trine north node aspect suggests a karmic link from past lives. This aspect often signifies a spiritual and emotional partnership, indicating Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari have been together in previous incarnations."
                    "title": "Life Journey",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's emotional reactions and instincts are in harmony with Simran Kumari's spiritual growth and life's direction. This creates an ease between them which aids in the progression of Simran Kumari's life journey."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "MC",
                "full_degree": "96.0131067",
                "sign": "Cancer",
                "sign_no": 4,
                "longitude": "6:0:47"
            "orb": 7.09,
            "aspect": "Sextile",
            "aspect_type": "Mildly Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Support",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's Moon sextile Simran Kumari's MC suggests a harmonious flow of emotional support and understanding. Rahul Kumar instinctively knows how to nurture and support Simran Kumari's ambitions and career objectives."
                    "title": "Professional Bond",
                    "description": "This aspect often indicates that Rahul Kumar feels deeply connected to Simran Kumari's career or public image. Rahul Kumar might feel a sense of pride or fulfillment in aiding Simran Kumari's professional journey or societal standing."
                    "title": "Mutual Respect",
                    "description": "The sextile aspect implies mutual respect and understanding between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. This understanding often extends to Simran Kumari's need for achievement, with Rahul Kumar providing encouragement and emotional sustenance in Simran Kumari's career pursuits."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Mars",
                "full_degree": "60.1624736",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "0:9:45"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "orb": 5.6,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Dynamic Attraction",
                    "description": "With Mars in Rahul Kumar's horoscope forming a trine aspect to Simran Kumari's Ascendant, there is a palpable and magnetic attraction. The Mars person, Rahul Kumar, is likely to find Simran Kumari fascinating, dynamic and irresistibly attractive."
                    "title": "Energizing Influence",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's Mars aspecting Simran Kumari's Ascendant can bring vital energy and motivation into Simran Kumari's life. Rahul Kumar could inspire or instigate action in Simran Kumari, encouraging them to take risks they might not usually consider, stimulating personal growth."
                    "title": "Potential Conflict",
                    "description": "While the trine aspect is generally seen as beneficial, Mars involvement can potentially lead to conflict due to its assertive nature. However, as long as the energy is chaneled properly, it can be a constructive force, adding a level of intensity and passion to Simran Kumari's life."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "South node",
                "full_degree": 336.1323021,
                "sign": "Pisces",
                "sign_no": 12,
                "longitude": "6:7:56"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "orb": 6.97,
            "aspect": "Sextile",
            "aspect_type": "Mildly Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Connection",
                    "description": "South Node Sextile Simran Kumari’s Moon refers to an emotional connection between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari that has been carried over from past lives. They would immediately feel comfortable and secure around each other."
                    "title": "Shared Past",
                    "description": "This aspect suggests that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari have a shared past. It is likely they were close in a previous life which enables a deep understanding and unspoken connection in their relationship in this life."
                    "title": "Nurturing Aspect",
                    "description": "Simran Kumari’s Moon forming a sextile aspect with Rahul Kumar's South Node suggests that Simran Kumari is likely to provide emotional support and understanding to Rahul Kumar, helping them to navigate through their karmic lessons."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "South node",
                "full_degree": 336.1323021,
                "sign": "Pisces",
                "sign_no": 12,
                "longitude": "6:7:56"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "MC",
                "full_degree": "96.0131067",
                "sign": "Cancer",
                "sign_no": 4,
                "longitude": "6:0:47"
            "orb": 0.12,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Karmic Connection",
                    "description": "With Rahul Kumar's South Node forming a trine aspect with Simran Kumari's MC, there is a strong sense of karmic connection in this relationship. This aspect could indicate that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari have shared previous lifetimes together."
                    "title": "Effective Cooperation",
                    "description": "In this relationship, Rahul Kumar may easily resonate with Simran Kumari’s life aims and public identity. Their lives can integrate smoothly, with Rahul Kumar providing lessons from the past that help Simran Kumari's professional ambitions and public persona."
                    "title": "Ease and Comfort",
                    "description": "The Trine aspect between Rahul Kumar's South Node and Simran Kumari's MC suggests a comfortable, easy interaction. Rahul Kumar might support Simran Kumari in achieving their career objectives or societal positions, and Simran Kumari could provide Rahul Kumar with opportunities for soul growth and evolution."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Neptune",
                "full_degree": "302.0576072",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "2:3:27"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "orb": 0.95,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Spiritual Connection",
                    "description": "In synastry, a trine aspect between Rahul Kumar's Neptune and Simran Kumari's Sun suggests a spiritual and deep connection. Rahul Kumar brings an element of inspiration and enlightenment to Simran Kumari's identity and core being."
                    "title": "Creative Support",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's Neptune enhances Simran Kumari's creativity and imagination. Neptune's dreamy influence beautifully supports Simran Kumari's Sun, helping them to manifest their goals and ambitions in creative ways."
                    "title": "Emotional Sensitivity",
                    "description": "This aspect can also indicate a heightened sensitivity between the two. Rahul Kumar may sense Simran Kumari's needs intuitively, and there's a good understanding and acceptance of each other's emotional and spiritual nuances."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Neptune",
                "full_degree": "302.0576072",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "2:3:27"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Mars",
                "full_degree": "60.1624736",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "0:9:45"
            "orb": 1.9,
            "aspect": "Trine",
            "aspect_type": "Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Mystical Attraction",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's Neptune trine Simran Kumari's Mars stimulates an enticing, mystical attraction. Rahul Kumar may often appear like a dream or fantasy figure to Simran Kumari, which appeals to Simran Kumari's adventurous and passionate nature."
                    "title": "Creative Energy",
                    "description": "This aspect encourages creative and imaginative energy between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. Their relationship can be marked by shared artistic pursuits or fascinated exploration of unconventional ideas."
                    "title": "Spiritual Connection",
                    "description": "With Neptune trining Mars, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari can form a deep spiritual connection. Their relationship has the potential for profound unity and mutual understanding on emotional and intuitive levels."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "MC",
                "full_degree": "96.0131067",
                "sign": "Cancer",
                "sign_no": 4,
                "longitude": "6:0:47"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "North node",
                "full_degree": "156.1323021",
                "sign": "Virgo",
                "sign_no": 6,
                "longitude": "6:7:56"
            "orb": 0.12,
            "aspect": "Sextile",
            "aspect_type": "Mildly Easy",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Shared Perspectives",
                    "description": "The sextile aspect from Rahul Kumar's MC to Simran Kumari's North node symbolizes a natural understanding and agreement on long-term goals and life's path. These two individuals are likely to view the world from the same lens."
                    "title": "Career Influence",
                    "description": "Given that the Midheaven (MC) deals with career, public standing, and reputation, Rahul Kumar may have a positive influence on Simran Kumari's destiny. Rahul Kumar could help Simran Kumari achieve their goals or find their true course in life."
                    "title": "Balanced Growth",
                    "description": "Sextiles are associated with harmony, balance and growth. This aspect suggests that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari could balance each other and encourage personal growth. The relationship should be marked by mutual respect and cooperation."

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :

curl --location 'https://astroapi-4.divineapi.com/western-api/v1/synastry/harmonious-aspect-reading' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'p1_full_name="Rahul Kumar"' \
--form 'p1_day="24"' \
--form 'p1_month="05"' \
--form 'p1_year="1998"' \
--form 'p1_hour="14"' \
--form 'p1_min="40"' \
--form 'p1_sec="43"' \
--form 'p1_gender="male"' \
--form 'p1_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p1_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p1_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p1_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'p2_full_name="Simran Kumari"' \
--form 'p2_day="24"' \
--form 'p2_month="05"' \
--form 'p2_year="1998"' \
--form 'p2_hour="14"' \
--form 'p2_min="40"' \
--form 'p2_sec="43"' \
--form 'p2_gender="female"' \
--form 'p2_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p2_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p2_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p2_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'lan="en"'

Last updated