Intense Aspect Reading

Explore Synastry API's Intense Aspect Reading for profound relationship insights, focusing on powerful planetary aspects to decode deep connections and challenges in astrological compatibility.

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Returns Intense Aspect Reading in response





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eg: Bearer {token}

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P1's Full Name, ex: Rahul Kumar



P1's date of birth, eg: 24



P1's month of birth, eg: 05



P1's year of birth, eg: 1998



P1's hour, eg: 14

p1_min *


P1's minute, eg: 40



P1's second, eg 43



P1's gender, ex: male



P1's birth place, ex: New Delhi



P1's latitude, eg: 28.7041



P1's longitude, eg: 77.1025



P1's timezone, eg: 5.5



P2's Full Name, ex: Simran Kumari



P2's date of birth, eg: 24



P2's month of birth, eg: 05



P2's year of birth, eg: 1998



P2's hour, eg: 14



P2's minute, eg: 40



P2's second, eg 43



P2's gender, ex: male



P2's birth place, ex: New Delhi



P2's latitude, eg: 28.7041



P2's longitude, eg: 77.1025



P2's timezone, eg: 5.5



Language en/hi, default en

    "success": 1,
    "data": [
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Ascendant",
                "full_degree": "185.7672390",
                "sign": "Libra",
                "sign_no": 7,
                "longitude": "5:46:2"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Immediate Bonding",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Ascendant is in conjunction with Simran Kumari's Ascendant, it suggests an immediate kinship or familiarity between the two individuals. They're able to understand behavioral patterns and expressions almost intuitively, fostering a natural bond."
                    "title": "Shared Outlook",
                    "description": "This aspect indicates a shared perception of the world.  In this case, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari can find they view life through a similar lens, which advances mutual understanding and companionship."
                    "title": "Identity Validation",
                    "description": "As Ascendant represents the self-image, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may feel a beautiful sense of self-validation. It seems as if they find a mirror in each other, strengthening their self-esteem and causing them to feel understood on a profound level."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Personality Synch",
                    "description": "A Sun conjunct Sun aspect in synastry indicates that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari share a lot of similarities in their fundamental persona. They could relate on a deep level, understanding each other's viewpoints, beliefs, and drives well."
                    "title": "Energetic Alignment",
                    "description": "This conjunction aspect enhances the overall vitality and energy exchange between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. They will both motivate and inspire each other. This aspect also signifies a strong partnership and shared common goals."
                    "title": "Potential Issues",
                    "description": "Though this aspect is generally positive, it's double-edged. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari's similarities may result in conflicts and competitions due to their identical approach. They have to learn to appreciate their unique traits and not to overshadow each other."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Sun",
                "full_degree": "63.0091751",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "3:0:33"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Mars",
                "full_degree": "60.1624736",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "0:9:45"
            "orb": 2.85,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Vibrant energy",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Sun is in conjunction with Simran Kumari's Mars, it reflects an intense and vibrant relationship. There will be a lot of excitement, energy, and sometimes friction. It indicates a relationship full of actions and drive."
                    "title": "Passionate connection",
                    "description": "This aspect brings about a strong physical attraction. Simran Kumari's aggressive Mars energy blends with Rahul Kumar's vitalising Sun energy, leading to a passionate and magnetic resonance. This can result in a fiery, yet very engaging bond between both."
                    "title": "Potential disputes",
                    "description": "The drawback to this aspect is that it can lead to arguments and disputes due to the fire element of both Mars and the Sun. Both Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari need to work on communication and conflict resolution to ensure the relationship can endure such fiery interactions."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Compatibility",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Moon is conjunct with Simran Kumari's Moon, they are likely to have strong emotional connection. They can intuitively understand and satisfy each other’s emotional needs, which builds mutual sympathy and understanding."
                    "title": "Shared Sensibilities",
                    "description": "This aspect in synastry indicates that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari's instinctive reactions and inherent temperaments sync well. They are likely to have similar habits, preferences, and emotional responses to situations."
                    "title": "Psychological Harmony",
                    "description": "The Moon conjunction fosters a deep psychological understanding between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. They are more likely to experience mutual comfort and security, which can provide a solid base for their relationship to flourish."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Moon",
                "full_degree": "43.0997128",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "13:5:59"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Mercury",
                "full_degree": "44.8177723",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "14:49:4"
            "orb": 1.72,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Emotional Bond",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Moon conjuncts with Simran Kumari's Mercury, an intense emotional bond is formed. This aspect breeds a deep-seated understanding, creating a strong emotional attachment."
                    "title": "Communication Flow",
                    "description": "There's a seamless flow of communication between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari, because the Moon represents emotions and Mercury signifies communication. This synergy enables them to understand each other's thoughts and feelings."
                    "title": "Shared Interests",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar's emotions and instincts align with Simran Kumari's intellect and communicative style, manifesting in shared interests and hobbies. They'll enjoy common activities, making their relationship more enjoyable and harmonious."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Mars",
                "full_degree": "60.1624736",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "0:9:45"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Mars",
                "full_degree": "60.1624736",
                "sign": "Gemini",
                "sign_no": 3,
                "longitude": "0:9:45"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Dynamic Energy",
                    "description": "With Mars conjunct Mars, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari share a dynamic and energetic bond. This aspect promotes mutual understanding and common goals, resulting in a spirited and passionate relationship."
                    "title": "Potential Conflict",
                    "description": "Despite its positive qualities, this Mars-Mars aspect could also fuel potential clashes and arguments. The intensity of passion can sometimes convert into aggression if not handled well."
                    "title": "Physical Attraction",
                    "description": "Mars represents one’s physical desires. In this aspect, it implies a strong physical attraction between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. This could lead to an extremely sensual and intimate bond in their relationship."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Mercury",
                "full_degree": "44.8177723",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "14:49:4"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Mercury",
                "full_degree": "44.8177723",
                "sign": "Taurus",
                "sign_no": 2,
                "longitude": "14:49:4"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Intellectual Alignment",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar's Mercury is conjunct with Simran Kumari's Mercury, there is a strong intellectual compatibility. They enjoy almost similar thinking patterns and can deeply enrich each other’s minds in conversation."
                    "title": "Communication Ease",
                    "description": "This aspect suggests a natural communication flow between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. Their discussions are likely to be effortless and informative. They both probably share similar communication styles, which can help them understand each other's way of thinking."
                    "title": "Shared Interests",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may have similar interests, hobbies, and opinions. These shared interests can lead to lively conversations and a strong bond. This allows the pair to build a significant connection defined by mutual respect and understanding."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Venus",
                "full_degree": "23.5057226",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "23:30:21"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Venus",
                "full_degree": "23.5057226",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "23:30:21"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Shared Aesthetics",
                    "description": "The conjunction of Venus in Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari's chart leads to a shared sense of beauty, aesthetics and taste. They often appreciate and enjoy the same things, making their relationship harmonious and satisfying."
                    "title": "Romantic Attraction",
                    "description": "This aspect in synastry indicates a strong romantic attraction. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari will appreciate each other's approach to love, relationships and social interactions. This can lead to a very tender and sweet romance between the two."
                    "title": "Financial Harmony",
                    "description": "Venus also rules over finances and resources, and a conjunction may indicate harmony and agreement in these areas. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari tend to share the same financial goals and understanding of value, which reduces potential conflicts over money."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Venus",
                "full_degree": "23.5057226",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "23:30:21"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Saturn",
                "full_degree": "28.3255821",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "28:19:32"
            "orb": 4.82,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Serious Attraction",
                    "description": "When Rahul Kumar’s Venus is in conjunction with Simran Kumari's Saturn, it represents a serious and intense attraction. This combination in synastry can often indicate a long-lasting, firm bond."
                    "title": "Responsibility and Control",
                    "description": "Simran Kumari's Saturn may influence Rahul Kumar's Venus to become more responsible in terms of love and emotions. Control and discipline may play a major role in the relationship."
                    "title": "Emotional Restraints",
                    "description": "There can be a certain level of frustration since Simran Kumari’s Saturn might cause Rahul Kumar’s Venus to feel restrained and under pressure. This could create emotional hurdles to overcome."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Jupiter",
                "full_degree": "353.5970305",
                "sign": "Pisces",
                "sign_no": 12,
                "longitude": "23:35:49"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Jupiter",
                "full_degree": "353.5970305",
                "sign": "Pisces",
                "sign_no": 12,
                "longitude": "23:35:49"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Enhanced Positivity",
                    "description": "When Jupiter of Rahul Kumar is in conjunction with Jupiter of Simran Kumari, there is a tremendous boost to optimism, positivity, and overall enthusiasm in the relationship. This aspect promotes mutual growth and prosperity."
                    "title": "Amplified Abundance",
                    "description": "Jupiter rules abundance, luck, and expansion. A conjunction between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari Jupiter magnifies these energies, often bringing good fortune to the relationship. Both parties may experience boosted sense of generosity and achieving mutual goals."
                    "title": "Shared Philosophy",
                    "description": "This aspect of synastry compatibility signifies a strong alignment in philosophical beliefs, moral values, and life aims. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari are likely to have similar perspectives on religion, education, and existential questions, making for a mutually understanding and enriching connection."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Saturn",
                "full_degree": "28.3255821",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "28:19:32"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Saturn",
                "full_degree": "28.3255821",
                "sign": "Aries",
                "sign_no": 1,
                "longitude": "28:19:32"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Stability factor",
                    "description": "When Saturn in Rahul Kumar's horoscope forms a conjunction aspect with Simran Kumari's Saturn, this aspect can provide stability. The 2 individuals tend to have similar karma and life lessons."
                    "title": "Patience required",
                    "description": "Although this aspect can be grounding, it could also slow down the development of the relationship. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may need to be patient as their connection progresses at a slower pace."
                    "title": "Serious commitment",
                    "description": "The Saturn-Saturn conjunction also signifies serious commitment. Respect and understanding of each other’s beliefs will be the foundation of the relationship between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Uranus",
                "full_degree": "312.7243558",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "12:43:28"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Uranus",
                "full_degree": "312.7243558",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "12:43:28"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Generational Infusion",
                    "description": "Since Uranus has an orbital period of 84 years, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari being in conjunction likely means they're from the same generation. Thus, they likely share similar broad societal views."
                    "title": "Shared Radicalism",
                    "description": "This aspect can create a dynamic of shared radicalism or rebellion. Both Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari might share a love for freedom, eccentricity, and innovation, leading to a dynamic and unusual relationship."
                    "title": "Potential Unpredictability",
                    "description": "Given Uranus' association with sudden change and unpredictability, this conjunction can also make the relationship between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari somewhat volatile. There might be sporadic episodes of tension due to a desire for freedom or change."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Neptune",
                "full_degree": "302.0576072",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "2:3:27"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Neptune",
                "full_degree": "302.0576072",
                "sign": "Aquarius",
                "sign_no": 11,
                "longitude": "2:3:27"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Spiritual Connection",
                    "description": "When Neptune in Rahul Kumar’s horoscope conjuncts Neptune in Simran Kumari's horoscope, there is a strong spiritual and intuitive connection. They may have similar spiritual beliefs or desires, leading to a profound mutual understanding."
                    "title": "Romantic Idealism",
                    "description": "This aspect points to an idealistic vision of love that can bring romantic fantasies to life. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may understand each other's dreams and longings without words. They might also share a tendency to idealize each other."
                    "title": "Escapism Tendencies",
                    "description": "Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari might also share a tendency towards escapism or disillusionment. They should be careful not to lose themselves in illusions or unrealistic dreams. They may also be overly sensitive to each other's moods or unspoken feelings."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Pluto",
                "full_degree": "246.7995404",
                "sign": "Sagittarius",
                "sign_no": 9,
                "longitude": "6:47:58"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Pluto",
                "full_degree": "246.7995404",
                "sign": "Sagittarius",
                "sign_no": 9,
                "longitude": "6:47:58"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Intense Connection",
                    "description": "When Pluto in Rahul Kumar's horoscope forms a conjunction aspect with Simran Kumari's Pluto, it suggests a deep and intense connection between the two individuals. It often signifies shared obsessions, activities, or interests."
                    "title": "Power Struggles",
                    "description": "This synastry aspect may also lead to power struggles between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari. This could manifest in various ways, from minor disagreements to major conflicts."
                    "title": "Personal Transformation",
                    "description": "Lastly, a Pluto-Pluto conjunction also indicates that both Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari are likely to experience deep personal transformations as a result of their relationship. This change may be positive or challenging, but it's often meaningful."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "MC",
                "full_degree": "96.0131067",
                "sign": "Cancer",
                "sign_no": 4,
                "longitude": "6:0:47"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "MC",
                "full_degree": "96.0131067",
                "sign": "Cancer",
                "sign_no": 4,
                "longitude": "6:0:47"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Professional Alignment",
                    "description": "The conjunction of the MCs in Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari's charts suggests a significant overlap in professional aspirations and goals. This indicates a powerful alliance and mutual understanding in career-oriented ambitions."
                    "title": "Directional Synergy",
                    "description": "The conjunction of the MC signifies alignment in life direction. Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari likely have similar trajectories in their purpose and career paths. Their understanding of each other’s ambitions facilitates a harmonious relationship."
                    "title": "Reinforced Ambitions",
                    "description": "The combined energy of Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari's MC creates a reinforced drive towards their shared goals. Their mutual ambitions provide a strong foundation for their partnership, likely leading to a relationship of mutual support and encouragement."
            "p1": {
                "planet": "Chiron",
                "full_degree": "224.2841493",
                "sign": "Scorpio",
                "sign_no": 8,
                "longitude": "14:17:3"
            "p2": {
                "planet": "Chiron",
                "full_degree": "224.2841493",
                "sign": "Scorpio",
                "sign_no": 8,
                "longitude": "14:17:3"
            "orb": 0,
            "aspect": "Conjunction",
            "aspect_type": "Intense",
            "reading": [
                    "title": "Wound Mirror",
                    "description": "A conjunction of Chiron between Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari could denote a shared emotional pain or past struggle. They might identify similar wounds from their experiences, possibly leading to a common understanding and empathy."
                    "title": "Healing Journey",
                    "description": "Due to this shared wound space, Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari may be more inclined towards helping each other heal. They can play therapeutic roles for each other, and their relationship can serve as a catalyst for emotional and psychological growth."
                    "title": "Shared Wisdom",
                    "description": "Conjunction of Chiron may also imply that Rahul Kumar and Simran Kumari share a similar kind of wisdom or life lesson, often born out of their wounds or past traumatic experiences. They can guide each other with shared wisdom."

Take a look at how you might call this method via cURL, NodeJS or JavaScript jQuery AJAX and Python :

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {Your Auth Token}' \
--form 'api_key="{Your API Key}"' \
--form 'p1_full_name="Rahul Kumar"' \
--form 'p1_day="24"' \
--form 'p1_month="05"' \
--form 'p1_year="1998"' \
--form 'p1_hour="14"' \
--form 'p1_min="40"' \
--form 'p1_sec="43"' \
--form 'p1_gender="male"' \
--form 'p1_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p1_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p1_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p1_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'p2_full_name="Simran Kumari"' \
--form 'p2_day="24"' \
--form 'p2_month="05"' \
--form 'p2_year="1998"' \
--form 'p2_hour="14"' \
--form 'p2_min="40"' \
--form 'p2_sec="43"' \
--form 'p2_gender="female"' \
--form 'p2_place="New Delhi"' \
--form 'p2_lat="28.7041"' \
--form 'p2_lon="77.1025"' \
--form 'p2_tzone="5.5"' \
--form 'lan="en"'

Last updated